Sunday, June 13, 2010

Summer time is here! To continue to succeed...Read, Read, Read!

Hello Everyone!

It's amazing how time flies...summer is already here! We all worked so hard throughout the year, and each one of you deserves to have a fantastic summer vacation filled with fun in the sun. BUT- there's one very important job you have to do while you're away. READ. If you forget to read, your brain will actually have to re-learn the same things you learned this year all over again!

Here are some other activities you can do at home to exercise your brain.

-Write a summer diary or journal

-Explore new recipes to cook with an adult

-Check out the daily newspapers

-Investigate a state map

-Search through a dictionary

Friday, June 11, 2010


Literacy tips for early readers

* Point out print in the child's environment: on cereal boxes, food labels, toys, restaurants, and traffic signs.
* Sing songs, say short poems or nursery rhymes, and play rhyming words games with your child.
* Tell stories to your child.
* Read aloud to your child. Point to the words on the page as you read.
* Read a short passage several times to your child until your child can read it with you. Then encourage your child to read the passage to you.
* Encourage older children to read with younger children.
* Encourage your child to read (or pretend read) to you. Make this reading enjoyable. Don't worry if your child does not read all of the words correctly but, rather, applaud your child's efforts to read.
* Go to the library together.
* Have books, magazines, and newspapers around the house. Let your child see you reading.
* Encourage your child to write messages such as grocery lists, to-do lists, postcards, or short messages to family members or friends. Don't worry about conventional spelling at this point but, rather, encourage your child's first efforts at authorship.
* When watching television, have the captioning feature enabled so that the children view the words while hearing them performed aloud.